Saturday, January 5, 2008


I don't think much of most chat rooms as they seem to be just a forum in which to talk about boyfriends, sex and other such subjects that are non-related to the subject of the chat room...example being that when I first got my computer, I thought it would be fun to go to a poetry chat room and share....oh, let's see....poetry!
I watched for a few minutes to see what people were chatting about...and it was anything BUT poetry! So, silly me, I chimed in and asked, "Does anyone have a poem they'd like to share?".....cuz..(say it with me, folks) was a POETRY chat room!
A few more minutes went by while I waited, reading the back and forth entries appearing at a dizzing rate of speed....most of them giving way, way TMI..(Too Much Information) about their personal lives. Hey, I'm not a prude, but there's a time and place......
Anyway, finally, here comes this poem...dark, brooding, ....scary, actually...but, okay, if that's what's in your least it's a poem. I read it, keeping an open mind, and then I thought I'd tell the kid it was interesting, and ask him if he had any others. There was no response and everyone was right back discussing whatever they were before. Never saw another attempt at poetry. So I gave up, got out of there, and tried other chat rooms on several different subjects....same thing. I haven't been back.

But.....I'm hoping that people will come to this blog and share things that relate to it's subject...which is mostly about parenting and kids, with some stories and an occasional poem thrown in.
In that spirit, I thought I'd share this little poem that I wrote and which was published in 1981.

I'll make you laugh
I'll make you weep.
I'll make you lose
A lot of sleep!
You'll hang on every
Word I say;
You'll write down
Everything I do
In a little pink book
You bought today.
You'll record all that--
With pictures, too.
You're smiling at me
In your parental innocence
Through the hospital nursery's
Glass and chrome.
If you though life BEFORE was tense--
Just wait till I get you home!

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