Friday, February 15, 2008


Dear people,

First, I do want to thank all of you who take the time to read what I've written, and then comment on these posts. I think about all that you say and I learn from everyone with whom I come into contact.

I welcome your opinions....even when they differ from mine....and I will publish your comments on the blog (so long as they are not full of hate or foul language), even if they make me uncomfortable. Like my Dad used to say when I was growing up: "You can disagree with me all you want, so long as you do it with respect."

I realize that I "rant" sometimes....I am passionate about all of us making this world a better place and it frustrates me when I see someone going down a road that can lead to disaster. Maybe it's the Mother in me, but I want to grab that person and say, "Please, listen to me! I have seen what can happen and I don't want that to happen to you!"

Those of you who have read my posts know that one of my major hot buttons is teen pregnancy....for so many reasons I cannot even name them all. But, here's what I want you to understand: When I speak to this issue, and I come off as being rather rough, I am speaking to those young women who become pregnant carelessly, never giving any kind of thought to the consequences to the resulting child, and I MEAN it to be rough! I don't sugarcoat issues just to avoid ruffling a few feathers. It is not my way to back away from controversy...and I'm willing to take the heat for that. This issue is just too important; there are children involved and I am an advocate for children. I am trying to reach these young women BEFORE they walk that path..and, if they've already gone there once, I'm just asking them to think twice before they go there again.

I am NOT talking to you young Moms who have become pregnant even though you tried to prevent it, or have become pregnant by someone you truly thought you loved. I'm not talking to you Moms who, despite all odds, have taken responsibility for your child or children, and stepped up to make a good life for yourselves and these children! (I have been there myself!! If you've been able to read all my posts you will see this is true.)

I'm not talking to you, because you will be okay. You are ALREADY okay. I give you all the credit for becoming mature, loving, caring and responsible young women...I know firsthand how hard that is. You have earned and deserve the respect due you for taking care of yourself and your children.

So please, when you see a posting about teen pregnancy that seems harsh, know that if you don't fit that groove, I'm not talking to you.

However, if the shoe I throw out there fits you....I hope you will wear it.

I'm not so much talking to adults in my postings...the ones I want so much to reach are younger people; those who still have time to turn in the right direction and maybe will take to heart what I'm saying, and hopefully will take steps to prevent disaster before it happens. (And I am aware of the fact that what I may perceive as "disaster" another will simply take in stride. I am guilty of being a bit dramatic sometimes. I'll work on that.)

We need to remember that no man is an island...everything each of us does trickles down and affects others, and the object is to affect others in a positive way, rather than negative. This is what I'm trying to do; what I've tried to do all my life.

I have been on this Earth for 64 years, now. I have been through some very tough times. I have raised three great children alone, a boy and two girls, and they are all successful in their lives. (Sometimes I think they have turned out so well despite me, rather than because of me, because I've made mistakes...but I thank God every day for the wonderful spirits they are, regardless of how they arrived there or who can take the credit.)

I also have been a mentor to many others, young and old, during these years. I like to think I've made a difference to some; maybe put them on a better path so they can enjoy a good life. I sure don't profess to know everything....what I don't know would fill the Grand Canyon. However, I have learned a lot, both from books and other sources, and from experience....mostly painful experience...and I would love to impart that knowledge to others who just need someone to care enough to take the time to offer the benefit of that hard-earned knowledge. That is the purpose of this blog.

I have heard many people wistfully say, (and I've said it myself) "I wish I could turn back time and do this or that over again. I would not make those stupid mistakes again." Wouldn't we ALL love a do-over? And then, I realize that, yes, if we could all turn back time and start all over again, maybe we wouldn't make the same mistakes...but, we sure would make a whole set of new ones....because that's human nature. No one is perfect. Mistakes are inevitable. That's how we learn.

I also believe that it's a huge cosmic joke that wisdom is aquired by getting old. By the time we're wise, we're too old to put that wisdom to good use. I mean, why didn't we have wisdom when we were young and strong and able use that wisdom when we had the energy to do so? HA! (What is that old German saying?...oh yes: "We get too soon old and too late smart."), that's why it's good to have the older ones who do have the wisdom there to guide the ones who aren't so wise yet.

Unfortunately, the young ones too often see the older ones as a nuisance, especially here in America. I don't know everything, of course, and there are always exceptions....but, mostly I think we are one of the few countries where our elders are so disrespected, ignored, and made invisible. Of course, the Eskimos used to have a nasty way of getting rid of their elders...putting them in a boat and sending them out to sea wasn't very nice....but, you get my point.

So, here's the bottom line: I truly care about the people I'm trying to reach. I care about the world and I want to see less pain and more happiness in it. If I get a little dramatic and rant a bit, I hope you will forgive that and just take the gist of what I'm trying to say, knowing that I say it with good intentions...and maybe just think about it.

I'll be happy with that.

Thanks again for visiting with me, and I do want to hear from you.

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