Sunday, February 10, 2008


Dear God,

I just wanted to say thank you for today...and for all of the days I've had so far...and will have in the future...good, bad, or indifferent. For all you have blessed me with, I am truly grateful.

There have been some days which have been REALLY tough to deal with!! I have lost many people in my life that I've loved...(I hope they are with you.) But, overall, I think I've been very blessed. And I know that all these difficult experiences have shaped me and made me the person I am today. Life, by its very nature, is tough! (You DID once promise us a rose garden...but, we messed that up.)

You made such a beautiful world! I have been lucky enough to have seen some of it, (though not as much as I'd like), and I have to say, I'm impressed. Good job, God!

Those sunrises and sunsets? Whew! Awesome! The mountains, oceans, deserts are so amazing......and the Grand Canyon? Wow!! And, OH, the wildlife you blessed us with....spectacular! (And thanks, especially, for, as I'm sure You know, is God, spelled backwards....Good one, God! Heh heh)

I love the clouds, too, and the trees and flowers....just too much to mention here in my little insignificant letter to You. (I'd have to go on for months just to get it all in!)

However, there are some things which deeply trouble me. Things that I just don't understand. I am an old woman now, and getting older by the minute....and the older I get, the less I understand about the people in this world!

For too long now, we stupid humans have been busy messing up this planet; this gift you gave to us...really badly...and I want to apologize to you for any part I have had in contributing to that. I haven't recycled as much as I should have. I have used too much gasoline and electric power, and....well....You know what all I haven't done...You see everything. But, I AM getting better; I have made changes and I try to make a more positive impact upon the planet, and on the people with whom I come into contact .

And, I am afraid these days. There are wars in too many places, and too many innocent people are dying. You gave us each other; fellow enjoy and learn from and love...yet, we fight amongst ourselves because we are different: different cultures, different ideas about who and what You are, different skin colors, different features. We attack each other and hate each other....and I don't understand why.

In the name of greed, some of us have deliberately polluted this planet, destroyed wildlife, killed fellow humans with poisons that have resulted from chemical waste, never caring a bit about it as long as we had whatever we wanted to make our own lives better. Those in power have abused that power and have caused endless suffering among others. Global warming is a real threat. The weather is crazy. Mother Earth is really ticked off...and who can blame her?! And those in power continue to stonewall those who warn about the damage, because it might affect their wallets.
They don't realize that if they don't bring about change NOW they won't HAVE wallets to worry about! Or anything else, for that matter.

We've taken the greatest gift You've given to mankind: love...and turned it from what You meant it to be, into a painful, shameful, disgusting thing through rape, pornography, and other such things. There is too little regard for the family unit now.

And, children....the beautiful children; the most innocent of us all...oh Lord, this makes me saddest of all because children are being born into terrible situations all over the world...and this, I CANNOT understand! They are being brought into the world indiscriminately as if they were animal litters, and are being abused and made to suffer in so many ways. You have said that all children are "blessings"..but I have such a hard time reconciling that with what I see: children starving; born into third world countries where they suffer horribly from the moment they are born....I can't see where that's any kind of blessing. Sorry.

I know you have given us free will...and I do understand why You did that...after all, You don't make mistakes. But, I truly hope that all those who deliberately abuse children (and animals) have a very special place in hell!!

You gave us a Book to go by; rules, like any good parent gives their children. Too often, we choose to ignore that Book and those rules. Revelations is truly scary to me. Personally, I hope that those things written in there are maybe exaggerated....I HOPE...because they are too terrible to contemplate. Maybe someone misinterpreted Your words somewhere along the way?...but I doubt it.

I keep hearing about the world ending on December 12, 2012, because the Mayan Calendar ends on that date, and certain planets align on that date, and this and that and the other, and so many other cultures believe that as well. But, I also know that Your Book says that no one shall know the day or hour when You will return.....and beware of false profits...but I keep hearing that that's the day the world will end....and I have to admit I'm afraid.

It's hard not to be when I look around and see what damage we've done to this world you gave us; how we've mistreated it and all the life in it,including each other, so carelessly. I mean, You must look around it, too and be really mad at us and at what we've done. I certainly wouldn't blame you.

And I wouldn't blame you if you decided to blow it all to hell....but, I'm asking you not to.

I ask you not to because I still think there's hope.

I still see people who truly care about You and this planet and each other. I still see children who are so smart and caring (my own children and grandchildren to just name a few) and who, I believe, as they grow up and have more power, will make the necessary changes to move this planet in the right direction for the good of us all.

I ask you not to destroy this earth because when I see all the wonderful things You have given us, I just cannot bear to see it all go away. What a waste it would be!

When I feel the wind on my face; smell the perfumed air in the desert, see the beautiful pink sunsets reflected upon mountains and over the oceans, hear the roar of the ocean, and the sound of birds singing, watch the leaves on the trees change as Fall arrives; enjoy the first snowfall...the magic of this's just too horrible to imagine it all gone.

So, I ask you to take pity upon us poor fools and give us another chance. But, if You, in Your infinite wisdom, decide to wipe us all out and start again...Well...I guess I understand.

Just know that I, personally, am grateful to have lived in this world at all.

Thanks for listening.

Until we meet again, I remain,

Your Loving, Humble Servant.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What God will replace this earth with, as described in great detail in the bible, will be a million times better than what we have now. Take heart, you'll be there to see it and enjoy it and you won't be missing this world AT ALL! Best of all, God will be there in His physical form, face to face with you at all times.