Thursday, July 3, 2008


It has been brought to my attention recently by a friend...(my best friend actually, with whom I've been friends for the past 60 years....since kindergarten!)that it has been a long time since I've written anything in my blog. She is, of course, right.

My response to her was that I got discouraged because it seemed no one knows this blog exists, despite my attempts to get it noticed, so I said to heck with it and gave up.

Shame on me! A defeatist attitude is really not my M.O. I guess I got a little jealous of the success of other blogs and couldn't figure out how to get there myself....and I'm still not sure....but, I have figured this out: If I give up, it definitely won't, here I am again.

One of the things that has changed my mind is a book I've just started reading this morning called "The Secret" by Rhonda Byrne. I've only read 25 pages so far and it was like a lightning bolt struck me......because I realized that I already KNOW the Secrets in this book; I've just forgotten them!

So, I started thinking about all the times the Secret has actually worked in my life, and came up with so many it was mind-blowing! I didn't have a name for it at the time, but there it was.

I'm not going to tell you all that is in this book...each person needs to read it themselves for it to be effective. Get it on Ebay (like I did), or get it from the library, or borrow it from a friend....(hey, I'm not here to try to help sell the book; I have nothing to gain, and it certainly needs no help from me!) But, I will tell you this: it has to do with the law of attraction; the effect that our thoughts have...both positive and negative...and getting what you want out of life....AND it tells you how! On page 25 it lists "Secret Summaries"...and if you read nothing else, read that page...although you'd be crazy not to read the entire book! It won't take you long, and you have everything to gain.

As I said, I started thinking about all the times this worked for me, and I thought I'd list some of, here goes:

In 1973 I was in a bad marriage, living in a Western state that I absolutely hated more than words can explain, needing to get my kids and myself away from this place and situation, had NO money, and not a clue how I was going to do it. But, I knew I could! Didn't know how just then, but had the confidence that I could make these changes. So, I began planning...and it came to me. All the steps I needed to take were there. I called my favorite aunt and uncle who lived in Ohio where I wanted to go, (my home state) told them what was going on and what I wanted to do, and asked if we could stay with them for a short time while I got on my feet. Blessedly, they said yes. I called my best friend, (the same one I mentioned above), also here in Ohio, and told her what was going on, and asked if I could send some packages to her home...just things that I knew I would need upon arriving. She also agreed.
Then I put my plan into action. I was working...making little money...but managed to put some aside. I had some yard sales and sold everything I could possibly sell and somehow, before long, the money I needed for the four plane tickets was in my hand...with $64 left over.
So now, I had four plane tickets, three young kids, no car, no home of my own, and only the clothes we had on our backs and what we could pack into our suitcases...and I think but cannot recall for sure...I may have packed some clothes and toys into those boxes I shipped to my friend's house. Truly scary....BUT...I had put the Secret into play; I just didn't know it.

We arrived at Cleveland-Hopkins Airport in June of 1973, tired and one of us wet...(my 4 year old daughter was afraid of the airplane's noisy bathroom, refused to go potty in it, and solved the problem in her own way by falling asleep and wetting her pants)...and my 80 year old grandfather, who happened to live in Cleveland, cheerfully picked us up at the airport, took us to his home, put us up overnight and then drove us the next day to Akron where my aunt and uncle lived, and where we were to stay for the next few months.

Okay. I'm going to stop here.

I'm going to put The Secret into play again and let's see what happens. This will be an experiment that you all can share with me and perhaps it will prove to you that it really works. I already know it does, as you will see in future postings. Your feedback will be most welcome!

I will make this into a series, with new postings on a regular basis. As I end this today, there have been 335 hits on my blog. It's July 3, 2008 at 12:40 pm my time.

I can't wait to see what happens....I haven't been this excited about anything for quite awhile!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is awesome and I look forward to the next blog you write. You have a lot to say to the world, this is your chance.