Monday, July 14, 2008


Hello again...thanks for coming back.

I left you the last time when we were coming to the end of our stay at my aunt and uncle's place in Akron, and knowing it was time to move out on our own.

I grew to love Portage Lakes, which is a suburb of Akron, and I often visited that area while living with my aunt and uncle and wished I could live there. It was kind of like taking a step back in time, and peaceful; the lakes there were so pretty.

One day my uncle (knowing I was ready to get a place of our own) asked me where I'd like to live. I immediately said "Portage Lakes, but I'm pretty sure we couldn't afford that area." He didn't say anything then, but about a week later, he came to me and told me that he had arranged for us to rent this little place right across the street from one of the lakes!
(Here's The Secret at work again!) I was dumbfounded. My uncle was a much-beloved doctor and had many, many friends of all walks of life who would do anything for him.....this house came about when he called in a favor....and the rent was within my budget!

It was just a little place and I loved it on sight! It was perfect. And it was ours. My son was back home with us by then.

As I'm looking around, I'm thinking, "Okay, now we have to get some furniture", and I'm confident that we will be able to; I'm picturing in my mind where some used furniture places were in Akron. Oh yeah, and then there's the car issue. As I told you, I was using one that belonged to my aunt and uncle, but I didn't expect that to last forever. However, I wasn't afraid; I knew it would be fine.

We didn't have much to move into the house...remember what we arrived with. Bringing in a load, I looked behind me when I heard the sound of a truck pulling into the driveway....and out jumped a couple of guys who opened the back of the truck and started unloading furniture....everything we needed! I just couldn't believe my eyes. Seems my uncle called in some more favors. I was told not to ask any I didn't. (I'm sure you've heard the old saying: "don't look a gift horse in the mouth.)

The guys brought in everything and set it all up, including the beds. There were even sheets, blankets, pillows, etc. I went to the grocery store and got us what we needed and by that evening we were all settled in, having dinner in our new home. It was Heaven!

I continued to use my borrowed car for a little while longer, but knew I had to find my own.....and, guess what? About a week after we moved into our place, the couple across the street mentioned that they wanted to sell their car. It was not a new car (who cares, it ran!) and he only wanted $200 for it. That I could do....and now we had a car.

Time went on. I needed another job in addition to the one I had as an executive secretary. (There was no child support from the kids' father and in those days there was little, if any, enforcement.) I got a second job as a waitress in a dinner theatre close to home. I worked from 8 to 5 at the first job, then rushed home, ate a very quick dinner with the kids, (thank God for Crock Pots!!) and rushed off to my second job at the dinner theatre where I worked from 6 to midnight. Later on, when two jobs weren't enough, I got a third, working at McDonald's part time on weekends. Somehow, in between all this, I managed to do things with the kids.

Still, it was a struggle. I had to ask for help from the state: they gave us $70 a month food stamps and an allotment of $70 a month for child care...which were both Godsends. (remember, this was in 1973-1974). It made all the difference in the world.

The kids needed clothes....the neighbor across the street (from whom I bought the car) had kids older than mine so she passed on her kids' outgrown..and still new-looking...clothes to mine.

Are you getting the picture? Have you read The Secret yet?

Well, it's time to say bye for today...but, I want to leave you with a word of encouragement: put positive thoughts out into the Universe; override the negative...and believe! Recognize when your thoughts become things! and appreciate them.

It's July 14, 2008. My blog hits are now 345.....slowly, but surely.

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