Sunday, July 20, 2008


Hello Again.

Continuing with "The Secret":

We were in Akron; Portage Lakes...when I left you. We'd just moved into our little house and things were clicking along.

One thing I want to talk about today is: Be careful what you wish for. It goes along with putting things out into the Universe, positive or negative.

Things were, of course, stressful, (as things will be when you are a single mother with three kids, working three jobs and in a continual state of exhaustion.)

One day, I was in my bedroom, feeling really down. It seemed at that time like everything was going wrong, and I was in the middle of a good pity party. Then, in a fit of frustration, I pounded my fists several times as hard as I could on my dresser, looked up Heavenward, and yelled to God: "Give me just two years, just TWO YEARS of peace, and calmness, and smoothness!! Just TWO YEARS where things go right and I'll never ask for anything else!!" I remember after this little fit, dropping down on my bed....and then suddenly feeling a sense of calm and peace come over me.....and, without giving it much more thought, I just went about my business.

(At that time, although I truly appreciated every good thing that had happened, I really was exhausted and wasn't thinking about the good things. I had never heard of The Secret then.)

About two weeks later, things started falling into place and everything started going smoothly and peacefully. After having to deal with so much stress for so long, I just couldn't believe it.....and by then I had forgotten my little tantrum so I didn't give things a whole lot of thought; I was just glad for the break I seemed to be getting.

By now you probably have guessed what I'm going to say next. For two years things went great. Oh, a little glitch here and there, but nothing major; nothing I couldn't deal with.........and the end of the two years, everything turned upside down again and it seemed like nothing was going right, no matter what I did. (Don't let anyone ever tell you than God does not have a sense of humor because I'm here to tell you, He does!!) I was puzzled and upset....and then, I remembered what I had asked for......"Just two years, JUST TWO YEARS"...and that's exactly what I got!

Be careful what you wish for! When you put your thoughts out there, positive and negative, they become things and we need to recognize that fact.

That's all for today. Next time I will take you to the next major change in my life and when The Secret again came into play. We will go to New Mexico.

It is 8:20 pm on Sunday, July 19, 2008. Blog hits are 350. Still slow, but I haven't been concentrating like I should be lately. It's easy to lose focus sometimes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the Akron story, I read all three parts, was interesting. Looking forward to hearing about New Mexico............................m