Saturday, May 7, 2011


Today is Mother's Day.

If you are lucky enough to still have your mother, say a little thank you to God. If you have lost her, as I have lost mine, then honor her memory by doing something kind for someone; something you know will make her proud.

As a mother, I can guarantee you that Moms don't want expensive material things from you. You don't have to run around town trying to find the "perfect gift". Give her the one gift she really wants: time with you, a phone call, a few words from you telling her you love her and are grateful for everything she did for you...and if you find it difficult to verbally express your feelings, find a card that will say it for you. (I still have cards my kids gave me from the time they were little.)

Yes, I know, not everyone has a great mother. There are some who are terrible; who never should have given birth at all, and if you had a mother like that, you have my sympathy..but let that go now and forgive her. That's a gift you can give to her... (as well as to yourself) this Mother's Day.

NO mother is perfect! My own had her problems and weaknesses, and we certainly had our battles. But, I'll tell you this: I knew I was loved! And I know she did the best she could with the tools she had. I lost her on Christmas Day, 1978 and I'd give anything to be able to see her and hug her on this...and all the Mother's Days past since then!

When I became a mother, I vowed I would not make the same mistakes...but you can bet I made others. Fortunately, my three children still love and respect me, and they know they were loved above all else. They are grown, they are wonderful people, and two of them have children of their own and are great parents; (the third, my son, and his wife, have opted for the 4-legged "kids" and those animals couldn't have a better set of "parents"!)...they constantly amaze me at how wise and loving they are with their children. I tell them all the time how proud I am of them and I tell them every time I talk to them how much I love them...and every time they tell me they love me, I feel like I've been given the best gift in the world!

Take every opportunity...not just one day a express your love to your mom...or to whomever took that role in your life...because tomorrow is promised to no one...and Time is a thief.