Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Hello Again!

I know it's been awhile, but I was compelled to write this tonight after a really amazing event that happened to me this evening....one which restored my faith in people...a Christmas miracle, if you will.

We all know how awful the economy is right now. Everyone is suffering. Everyone is worried about how they are going to survive this nightmare.
People are greedy; people are self-involved, selfish, dishonest, uncaring and out for #1...right?

Wrong. There ARE still some honest people out there! Even in this economy. Even though it's the Holiday season and everyone is wondering how they are going to buy, buy, buy those gifts, impress their friends, throw that spectacular holiday bash....etc etc.

Those who are less fortunate, maybe less honest, may be thinking about how they can scam, rob, or take advantage of whatever opportunity presents itself, even if it's at the detriment of another.

But, tonight, I learned that there are still people in this world who live by the code of ethics.....and, one bell-ringer for the Salvation Army is one of these beautiful people!

I went to the grocery store late this afternoon, rushing as usual. Going through the automated doors, into the store lobby, I passed the lady ringing the bell for the Salvation Army, but didn't really pay full attention. However, because I'm an artist and a writer, and detail-oriented, I did notice her lovely dark eyes, her sweet expression, her smooth mocha skin. I noticed the symmetry of her black knitted hat, red jacket and black pants, and I remember thinking that I was glad she was inside the lobby of the store rather than outside in the awful cold, windy weather. There was just something about her that did catch my attention, despite my hurried state, and I smiled at her and said hello....but, I never carry cash so I didn't have anything to put into the little red bucket...and on I went inside.

I did the little bit of shopping I had to do....I didn't have much money to spend so it didn't take me long. I loaded the groceries into the trunk and started home. One of the things I wanted to buy was a rotisserie chicken...but, I had forgotten it. I remembered when I got about half-way home....and I really wanted that chicken...so, I turned back, went back into the store, bought it, and headed for home once again.

It wasn't until I got all the way home before I realized I didn't have my purse! Where had I left it?? In full panic mode, I flew back to the store, sick to my stomach, in tears, praying to God all the way there: "PLEASE, let me find my purse! PLEASE, God!!" I had no cash in there, but replacing my ATM bank card, credit cards, insurance cards, drivers license, etc....all that stuff, plus other things, would be an absolute nightmare! My prescription medications, ........well, just everything! And, how much damage could a thief do with my credit cards in a small amount of time before I had time to cancel everything? Not to mention identity theft. It would be catastrophic!

When I got to the store, I was shaking like a leaf...just a mess! I walked through the automatic doors, into the store, and I noticed the same Salvation Army bell-ringer who had been there earlier. I kind of looked at her, but didn't really see her ....my mind was elsewhere. I know I had a panicked look on my face.

I rushed up to the check stands, looking for the cashier who had waited on me..thinking maybe I'd left my purse at the check stand....but he wasn't there. More panic. Then I went to the customer service window, hope slim by then, and asked if anyone had turned in a purse. The girl said, "Yes."
I couldn't believe my ears! Then, immediately, I thought, Well, okay, if, by some miracle, it's mine, it's probably missing every credit card and all my medications!

Oh ye of little faith!

The girl handed over my purse, and I could immediately tell that nothing had been disturbed. The zippers were exactly as I had left them. I said, "Who turned it in?" Then, behind me, I heard a soft voice, "I did. You left it in the cart." and when I turned around, there was the Salvation Army bell-ringer. I just fell apart! I grabbed her and hugged her, saying "Oh, God bless you!!" I hugged her for so long, just sobbing with relief. She hugged me back, and I can't explain how comforted I felt...I never wanted to let go! I just couldn't believe my luck! Evidently, I had picked up the bag with the chicken in it and just left my purse behind in the cart before walking out the grocery store doors. She said she noticed it after I had gone, and she took it straight to Customer Service.

Finally, we walked out together, back to the lobby. I felt so bad because I didn't have anything to give her....then I remembered a dollar bill that had been in my wallet forever. I pulled it out and gave it to her to put into the bucket...but, I felt that was so inadequate. I wanted to do more...for HER.

I called my oldest daughter and told her what happened. She said, "Mom, I know exactly who you mean..I was there myself this evening and did some shopping, and I put $10 in that bucket...and I never do that!"


I told my daughter that I wanted to do more for this woman and planned to go back tomorrow when I could give her a really nice card with $50 in it as a gift for her personally. My daughter said, "Call the store and find out if this same bell-ringer will be there tomorrow."

So I called. I got a clerk at first who didn't know anything and put me on hold. While you are on hold, they play music.....guess what the song was while I was waiting to talk to the store manager? "CALLING ALL ANGELS"! How appropriate was that?! This lovely woman was most definately my angel!

When the store manager got on the line, he told me that that bell-ringer had been there for several days so it was likely she'd be there tomorrow.

And tomorrow, I will get a special card for this lady, put $50 cash into it and hand it to her. I will again hug her tightly, and wish her a blessed Christmas...and I will be thanking God for putting her into my life this brief moment in time....because here's what that encounter did:
#1: She saved me from a nightmare of replacing all that I would have lost if she hadn't returned my purse intact. She kept a dishonest person from getting it.
#2: She restored my battered faith in people.
#3: My daughter and I had had a discussion earlier today about how people never did what they were supposed to do, didn't keep promises, and she was pretty disillusioned. I told her she should have more faith, but I really didn't feel it in my heart, even as I was telling her that. This lady gave my daughter an example of why she should believe that not all people are bad.
#4: Who knows how much good that $10 my daughter put into that lady's bucket will do? (Remember, she put that into the bucket BEFORE I called her and told her about this incident.) I can't help but feel that God was working this whole thing in order to teach several lessons to several people!!

I know I learned something valuable; something priceless...and so did my daughter.

We truly have an AWESOME God! You just never know when He will put someone in our path to teach us through His love and wisdom.

Be aware and be open to the lessons! You just never know when they will appear.

Have a beautiful Holiday Season, everyone!

Hello all...

I just wanted to add this to the post today, November 26, 2008.

This afternoon I bought a thank you card for the wonderful woman who turned in my purse yesterday, and I put a $50 bill into the card, sealed it in the envelope and took it to her.
I gave her another hug, and asked her her name so that I can call the Salvation Army and let them know about her.

She was astounded by the gift. I hope it makes her Holiday just a little brighter...because she sure made mine happier!